Docker for Web Developers (Pluralsight Notes)

Notes taken from watching "Docker for Web Developers" by Dan Wahlin on Pluralsight

Notes taken from watching “Docker for Web Developers” by Dan Wahlin on Pluralsight

What is Docker?

  • Lightweight, open, secure platform
  • Simplify building, shipping, and running apps
  • Shipping container system for code
  • Without standard-size shipping containers, real-world shipping was needlessly complex. Now, they have standard size containers and transportation is simple and efficient. Docker is the same way.
  • Runs natively on Linux or Windows Server >2016
  • Relies on “images” and “containers”
    • Image:
      • simply the definition or blueprint of a virtual machine. Has the necessary files to run something, for example an app, database, etc, and the support files for these.
      • A read-only template composed of layered filesystems used to share common files and create Docker container instances
    • Container:
      • created using an image. Runs you application.
      • isolated and secured shipping container created from an image that can be run, started, stopped, moved, and deleted very quickly
  • The Docker Client runs in on the Docker Engine, which integrates with Linux Container Support (LXC) on Linux or Windows Server Container Support on Windows.
  • VMs vs Docker Containers
    • There isn’t a copy of the Guest OS for each app
    • Because of a VMs size, it can take a long time to start compared to containers

Docker Benefits

  • Accelerate Developer Onboarding
    • installing a full stack on a new hire’s computer is tedious and you can’t be sure that everything will play well in the new environment
  • Eliminate App Conflicts
    • You can have and run different versions of software without conflict
  • Environment Consistency
    • Movement from Dev to Staging to Production is seamless. If it runs on dev, it will run on production
  • Ship software faster
    • Predictability
    • Consistency

Common Docker Commands

Note that [container id] and [container name] are interchangeable in docker commands. So are [image id] and [image name]

Also note that you only need to enter enough of the [container id] or [image id] for docker to differentiate between containers; you can indeed only use the first couple characters.

  • docker pull [image name] to download an image from DockerHub
  • docker run [image name] will run an image. Common flags are described below.
    • Anything written after the container name is run as a command into that container.
    • -p [external port]:[container port] too route ports in/out of the container
    • -v <path/in/container> will create a random UUID volume connected to that path. This is explained later.
    • -v <path/in/host>:<path/in/container> created a bind-mount style volume. This is explained later.
    • -w <working/directory> will set the working directory for any command that you want to run. This is explained later.
    • -it will link your shell to the docker container’s shell after executing run. This is also called “interactive mode”. You’ll need to run a command like /bin/bash after the container name in order to get a shell into the machine that you can use.
    • -d runs the container in “daemon mode”, in the background
    • -n <name> will assign a name to that container
    • --link <name>:<internal alias> will link the network of this container to the name of another container. This is not needed if using a custom network. This is explained later.
    • --net=<network name> will run the container in an already existing custom network.
  • docker images to list images and basic facts
  • docker ps to list running containers (add -a to see stopped ones too) and basic facts
  • docker rm [container id] to delete a container (but not the image)
    • -v will delete all docker-made volumes that the container was using. You don’t want to run this until this is the last container using this volume. Volumes are explained below.
  • docker rmi [image id] to delete an image
  • docker exec <container name> <command> will execute a command in a container. This can be combined with the aforementioned -it flag to get a shell in an already running container.
  • docker network create --driver bridge <network name> will create a custom bridge network that you can run containers in

Hook Source Code into a Container

Note that I may use $(pwd) in some commands as a way to get the current working directory. This is the syntax on Linux and Mac. This is different on Windows and DOS. In PowerShell, it would be ${PWD}, for example.

  • Docker uses a layered file system
    • Each layer in an image is read-only
    • A container adds a thin read/write layer on top of the read only image layers. This thin layer is the difference between an image and a container.
    • Containers can share image layers! So you don’t need a new copy of the file system if you need multiple containers of the same image.Taking it a step farther, if one specific layer is used in multiple images, that layer does not need to be pulled down from DockerHub, thus saving even more space.
    • You could put your code into the thin read-write layer…but even better is to use a volume.

  • Volumes are used for persistent storage across container creation/deletion.
    • Typically referred to as a Data Volume
    • Multiple containers can read-write to the same volume simultaneously.
    • Any updates to am image don’t change the volume
    • Data volumes are persisted even after the container is deleted.
    • Volumes just act as aliases to folders on the Host
    • Without a volume, any changes in docker are not saved
    • Let Docker create a data volume for you by adding -v <path/in/container> to your docker run command. Docker will make a random UUID for a volume and store it in a place of its choosing. You can see where this new container is by running docker inspect <container name>. On linux it will be in /var/lib/docker/volumes/
    • Customize the volume be adding your own folder path. Add -v <host/path>:<path/in/container to your docker run command. Example: docker run -p 8080:3000 -v $(pwd):/var/www node will create a volume in the current working directory.
    • Source code can thus live on your host but be passed into a container with a volume
  • You can link your code into a Container using the current working directory (as seen two bullet points ago).
  • Anything written after the image name in the docker run command are commands that will be executed in the container on start. So, docker run -p 8080:3000 -v $(pwd):/var/www node npm start will run npm start in the node container on boot.
    • However, npm start wouldn’t be run in the current folder! You can use the -w flag in docker run to specify that you want to set the Working directory for the commands that are about to be run. So -w <path/to/run/commands/in> will run npm start in that folder.

Building Custom Images with Dockerfile

  • Think about images as being a type of pre-built – or compiled – code. How can you how compile your own image? With docker build and a Dockerfile
  • The Dockerfile is a text file with pre-defined docker commands in it. These commands are documented on Docker’s website.
  • You can name this file whatever you want, really, but you’ll need an extra flag (-f <filename>) in docker build
    • FROM (what image to use as your base, to build upon)
      • without a version number on the end, :latest is implied
    • LABEL (specify things like who owns or maintains the image)
    • RUN (will run commands on the container)
    • COPY (can copy things like source code into the container)
    • ENTRYPOINT (what is the initial starting point for the container. This is a command split up into a json array. This is different from RUN because it runs after the container will is made, not before, like RUN.)
    • WORKDIR (set context directory for next commands)
    • EXPOSE (will expose a port)
    • ENV (defines environment variables to be used in the container)
    • VOLUME (define the volume and how it stores data on the host system)
  • Examples:
  • Build the image with docker build -t <your username>/<image name>:<optional version info> .. The -t stands for “tag”
  • Every command in Dockerfile creates an “intermediate container” which are cached behind the scenes so each new build won’t need to take nearly as long as the first one!
  • You can push your image to a registry with docker push <your username>/<image name>. You may need to login to the registry; docker login will do this.

Communicating between Docker Containers

  • There are two ways to link containers
    • Legacy Linking – using container names.
      • To add a name to a container, use the -n <name> flag to docker run
      • On the second container, you’ll need the --link <name>:<internal alias> flag. The name same name as the first container in order to link it. The internal alias is a name that the second container can use internally instead of using the original name.
    • Custom Bridge Network – isolated network where only containers in the network can communicate with each other.
      • Basic idea: create a custom bridge network, then run containers in that network
      • You can create a new bridge network with docker network create --driver bridge <network name>
      • For each container you’d like to run in that network, use --net=<network name> flag in the docker run command. Make sure to name this container with --name <name> so that other containers know which hostname they can use to connect to it.
      • You can see all containers connected to a network with docker network inspect <network name>

Managing Containers with Docker-Compose

  • Provides a great way to get multiple containers up and running, named, connected, and configured with a single command
  • In docker-compose context, a container in a docker-compose “stack” is called a “service”
  • docker-compose manages the whole application lifestyle
    • Start, stop, and rebuild services
    • View the status of running services
    • Stream the log output of running services
    • Run a one-off command on a service
  • Theres a single file that controls it : docker-compose.yml
    • version: (version of docker-compose)
    • services: (define what containers you want to be running)
      • build: (build context for this service container)
        • context: (which folder to use for building)
        • dockerfile: (name of dockerfile to use to build service container)
      • container_name: (name the container
      • environment: (define environment variables)
      • image: (which image to use if not using “build”)
      • networks: (which network to connect to)
      • ports: (which ports are exposed)
      • volumes: (how volumes will be mounted in the service container)
    • networks: (what networks to create for this stack)
      • <network name>: (name your network)
        • driver: (driver the network will use, ie. bridge)
    • volumes: (which volumes to create for this stack)
      • <volume name>:
  • docker-compose commands:
    • docker-compose build will build everything but not run it
      • You can add the service container name to the end to build only one service
    • docker-compose up will create and run every service container (and build it if not done already)
      • The --no-deps <service name> flag will create and bring up a single service and leave out any service that it may depend on. This “depends on” relationship is part of the docker-compose.yml file. This is especially useful when you’re rebuilding a service but don’t want to rebuild other ones (which would effectively take them out of commission for the time they are building)
      • You may want the -d flag for daemon mode to run the stack in the background
    • docker-compose down will tear down all the services and remove them. Use stop instead if you don’t want to remove the service containers.
      • --rmi <"all" or image name> flag will even remove all or one of the images
      • --volumes flag will delete any volumes the services were using
    • docker-compose logs will show the logs for all the services. This will look the same as docker-compose up as far as what is displayed if docker-compose up is run without -d , daemon mode. Unlike docker-compose up, it is safe to use Ctrl+C to exit without stopping the stack.
    • docker-compose ps will show you the running services
    • docker-compose stop will stop all the different services
    • docker-compose start will start all the different services
    • docker-compose rm will remove all the services
  • Examples:

Moving to Kubernetes

  • Docker-Compose doesn’t do everything we might need in production…
    • How can we scale, run, and manage containers without the nitty-gritty commands?
    • Docker-Compose does have a scaling feature (and the ability to restart containers if they fail), but it does not do load balancing. In production, you might want something more robust.
  • What if we could define the containers we want and then hand if off to a system that manages it all for us? This is Kubernetes.
  • Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  • Kubernetes is the conductor of a container orchestra
  • A Kubernetes “cluster” has a “Master” node that directs the worker nodes

  • Worker nodes are VMs that contain “pods”, which contain containers
  • You can setup Kubernetes locally with

    • Minikube, or
    • Docker Desktop (has Kubernetes support by flipping one switch)
      • Go to Docker Tray Icon > Preferences or Settings > Kubernetes > Enable Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Key Concepts:

    • Deployment
      • Describe the desired state
      • Can be used to replicate pods
      • Support rolling updates and rollbacks
    • Service
      • Pods can live and die, we can’t rely in their ip addresses or which worker node they’re stored on
      • Services can abstract pod IP addresses from consumers.
      • Load balancing between pods
      • A service has a ip address, but so does a pod. A consumer of the pod will need the service ip so that it can have a connection to the pod, even after the pod moves and changes IPs.
      • Thus, the networking is abstracted for the consumer, because all they need to know is the service ip which does not change.
  • In summary, for each type of image in a cluster stack, there will be one service container and one or more deployment containers.

  • You can convert from docker-compose to Kubernetes in a couple ways…
  • You can use Docker Desktop, called “Compose on Kubernetes”
    • Pre-installed on Docker Desktop
    • Uses docker “stacks”
    • Docker has its own solution for Kubernetes called Docker Swarm, but Docker Desktop supports Kubernetes nonetheless.
    • You can deploy a stack with a docker-compose file with docker stack deploy --orchestrator=kubernetes -c <docker-compose file name> <stack name>
    • Notice the deploy: and replicas: keywords in the docker-compose.yml. This can set how many of each container you’d like
  • You can also use an open-source project called Kompose, which you’ll need to install yourself follow instructions on
    • Convert a docker-compose.yaml file with kompose convert.
      • You can add the --out <file name>.yml flag to get everything kompose will create into a single file instead of many.
    • This will create many files for Kubernetes to work with – mainly deployment and service files for each type of container
    • In deployment files, the replicas: keyword is also present to define how many of each container is wanted
    • In service files, the port: keyword is set so that the service can connect to that pod on the right port whenever a consumer asks the service for data.
  • Common Kubernetes Commands
    • kubectl version to get version
    • kubectl get [deploy | services | pods] will get you information for each. This is how you can see the names and other info in your cluster
    • kubectl run <name> --image=<image name>:<image version> to get a specific container up and running
    • kubectl delete deployment <pod name> will delete single deployment (or set one or more containers in a pod)
    • kubectl apply -f [fileName | folderName] to run all the containers specified in the config file(s)
    • kubectl delete -f [fileName | folderName] to delete all the pods specified in the config file(s)
    • kubectl port-forward <name of pod> <external port>:<internal port>
  • There are many Pluralsight courses on Kubernetes to get you started on it.
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Jairus Christensen

Jairus Christensen

Articles: 19

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