General Router/Switch Commands for Advanced Networking (Cisco, Arista)

Starting Out – Root Console Commands

These are commands that are usually run outside any console. The switch/router can change consoles based on what you’d like to do, and it’s reflected by the terminal prefix it gives you. If the line you are typing commands into is only a # or a $, you’re in the root console.

Before anything, you should know how to save your work. The configuration file that is loaded on boot is not changed to the configuration file that is running unless explicitly stated

copy running-config startup-config

Exit the current console and go back


Return to the root console (use this instead of multiple exit commands)


Undo or delete anything. This can be used for VLANs, static routes, anything. It will do the reverse of whatever the command does.

no <command>

Show all VLANs


Show the running config file (not the startup one)

show run

Show the running config file for a specific interface. These interfaces can be physical, or not. This will work to show you specifics about VLANs, VXLANS, Loopbacks, etc.

show run int <Interface_Name>

Show specifics about the interface

show int <Interface_Name>
show int status

Turn on Layer 3 Routing (routing capabilities). This is done on either Layer-3 capable switches or routers.

ip routing

Show the routing table. This is helpful for seeing static routes, OSPF routes, connected VLANs, connected subnets from the router’s interfaces, etc.

show ip route

Enter Configuration Console (where most of the following commands will work)

config t

While in the Configuration Console, you can use this syntax to run root console commands

do <command>

Configuration Console Commands

Once some of these commands are run, the terminal will enter additional configuration consoles specific to the task. For example, upon creating a VLAN, the console will change to a configuration console specific to that VLAN, and you’ll see that the terminal prefix changes. Commands to be run inside the additional configuration consoles will be denoted by indentation.

Enter the configuration console specific to any interface

int <Interface_Name>
   shut # shut down the interface
   no shut # start the interface

Create a VLAN

vlan <number>
   name <name>

Assign ports to a VLAN (to be done on the interface that’s directly connected to a client machine)

int <Interface_Name>
   switchport mode access
   switchport access vlan <number>

Assign interface an ip address

int <Interface_Name>
   ip address <address> <subnet>

Assign ports to be used as a trunk

int <Interface_Name>
   switchport mode trunk
   switchport trunk allowed vlan <comma-separated_list_of_VLAN_numbers>

Create a VLAN SVI (to be done on a layer-3 switch or router to give a VLAN an ip gateway)

int vlan <number>
   ip address <address> <subnet mask>
   description <any string here>

Static Routes on a Router/Layer-3 Switch

While in the configuration console, use this syntax to create a static route

ip route <network id of network you want to accept traffic from> <netmask of that network> <ip that's authorized to send it to you>

Thus, if you want to receive data for network and you’re receiving it from the ip address, then it would be

ip route

You’ll need to make routes for each subnet you have in the network (even links) that aren’t connected directly to the device you’re configuring

To set a route in a VRF

ip route vrf GLOBAL <ip_address> <subnet> <ip_to_receive_from>

Catch all routes can be useful for sending off ANY packet that does not have a specific route defined

ip route <next_hop_address>

OSPF on the Router

Example config on high level router:

router ospf 1
 area 1 range
 area 2 range
 area 3 range
 network area 1
 network area 2
 network area 0
 network area 3

Example config on lower level router (layer-3 switch)

router ospf 1
 network area 1
 network area 1
 network area 1

On the higher level routers, set the individual ips of the links that go to each area. If you have a /30 that goes to area 0,1,2,3 add the subnet that will get you to that area. (the /30 link info)

On the lower-level routers (maybe layer-3 switches), broadcast to the OSPF group that you have a subnet here! Then broadcast the /30 links that get you to here (to your area) as well.

Now that the Router knows which areas exist, use Route Summarization so that the Router knows which traffic should go to which area.

Verify that everything works, then

Change the linking interfaces to use a passcode

VRFs on the Router/Switch

Create a VRF

vrf instance <name>
ip routing vrf <name>

Add a VLAN to a VRF

int vlan <number>
   vrf <name>

See routing table of default VRF

show ip route

See routing table of specific VRF

show ip route vrf <name>

Ping another computer within a VRF

ping vrf <name> <ip>

VXLANS (extended VLANs)

First, you’ll make an imaginary interface on the router, called a loopback. It’s always going to be running and reachable as long as any interface is up.

int loopback 0
ip address <address> <netmask>

Create a VLAN on each router

vlan <number>

Then, you’ll create VXLAN interfaces on each of the routers that needs to send layer 2 data. The udp-port and vni numbers can be whatever you would like as long as they are consistent

int vxlan 1
	vxlan source-interface Loopback0
	vxlan udp-port 4789
   	vxlan vlan <vlan number> vni 1010
   	vxlan flood vtep <ips_to_send_vxlan_data_to_(with_spaces_in_between)>

Set every port on the router/switch that needs to belongs to that VLAN

int <interface_name>
   switchport mode access
   switchport access vlan <number>

Create /30 networks to connect the VLANs and assign those ip addresses to the connecting interfaces

Set static routes between the routers to accept VXLAN data from THEIR loopback addresses

ip route <their_loopback_address> <their_loopback_subnet_mask> <ip_to_receive_that_data_from>

If there’s a router with loopback address that’s ping-able on, then we would use

ip route

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Jairus Christensen

Jairus Christensen

Articles: 19

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